Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost finale spoilers

If you don't know what to know what happened in the U.S. showing of Lost's finale episode, STOP reading now.

I'm just posting this for my own sanity as well as for others like me who live on the other side of the world - and will probably wait months before we can catch this on live TV.

I won't post the spoilers in detail - just the few big ones that matter. 


Jack dies. Yes, our beloved idealistic doctor bites the bullet. But he does so heroically, with Kate's help, saving his friends and the island from....\

The Black Smoke monster who incarnated using Locke's body or probably imitated it.

The island still needs a caretaker - and Hurley volunteers.

There is a grand reunion at the end - and based on the posts I've read, it's one touching moment where everyone gathers because all of them has to  move on....

Why?  Because the island is an alternative universe where souls of the dead have to redeem themselves before they are allowed passage to their next phase in the afterlife (reincarnation, Heaven, Hell, take your pick...)

I'll still watch it - because of the emotional pay-off and none of the words i say here or you read in other sites will capture the emotional and dramatic power of the finale where everyone finally comes to grips with who they are and what they had been experiencing all this time.

How did the producers promote the season 6 finale? 



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